Writing a Psychology Research Paper Based on Your Dissertation

Transitioning from a dissertation to a research paper can be a daunting task, but with a clear plan, the process can be manageable and rewarding. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write a psychology research paper based on your dissertation.

Identify the Core Message

Dissertations are comprehensive, but research papers need to be concise. Start by identifying the core message or the main findings of your dissertation. Focus on the aspects that are most novel or significant.

Select a Journal

Choosing the right journal is crucial. Look for journals that align with your research focus and audience. Consider the journal’s impact factor, submission guidelines, and the type of articles they publish. This will help tailor your paper to meet the specific requirements and expectations of the journal.

Outline Your Paper

A well-structured outline can serve as a roadmap for your writing. Typically, a research paper includes:

  1. Introduction: Briefly introduce the topic, the gap in the literature, and your research question or hypothesis.
  2. Methodology: Describe the methods used in a concise manner, focusing on what is essential for understanding the results.
  3. Results: Present the findings of your study clearly and succinctly.
  4. Discussion: Interpret the results, discuss their implications, and relate them to the existing literature.
  5. Conclusion: Summarize the main findings and suggest directions for future research.

Condense the Content

Your dissertation likely contains extensive literature reviews and detailed methodologies. In the paper, only include the most relevant information. The literature review should be targeted, and the methodology should focus on aspects that directly relate to the results.

Write Clearly and Concisely

Clarity and conciseness are key in research papers. Avoid jargon and ensure that each sentence adds value to the paper. Remember that your readers are familiar with the field but may not have the same depth of knowledge as you on your specific topic.

Seek Feedback

Before submitting your paper, seek feedback from peers, mentors, or advisors. They can provide valuable insights and help identify areas that need improvement.

Edit and Proofread

Edit your paper meticulously. Look for grammatical errors, inconsistencies, and ensure that your arguments flow logically. Proofreading is essential to maintain the professionalism of your paper.

Adhere to the Journal’s Submission Guidelines

Each journal has specific guidelines for submissions, including formatting, referencing style, and word limits. Make sure to follow these guidelines carefully to avoid desk rejection.

Submit and Respond to Reviews

Once your paper is ready, submit it to your chosen journal. Be prepared for a peer review process. Address the reviewers’ comments constructively and make necessary revisions.


Writing a research paper based on your dissertation is a significant step towards contributing to the field of psychology. By following these steps, you can streamline the process and enhance your chances of publication. Remember, persistence and a willingness to refine your work are key to successfully publishing your research.Following these guidelines will not only help you publish your work but also establish your presence in the academic community. Good luck with your submission!