
Meet Dr. Amanda Bullock, Ph.D.

Founder and Lead Consultant

Dr. Amanda Bullock is a distinguished psychologist renowned for her expertise in developmental psychology, particularly focusing on the psychosocial adjustment of children and youth across diverse context (e.g., military, cross-culturally). Her academic journey began at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Bullock's professional trajectory has been marked by a rich tapestry of roles and achievements. As a social scientist with the Government of Canada, she conducted ground-breaking research shedding light on the psychosocial dynamics within military communities. She also holds positions at Carleton University as a sessional instructor and adjunct research professor guiding undergraduate students with their Honours theses and projects.

Dr. Bullock's research interests span a wide spectrum, including the effects of military life on children's well-being and the intra- and inter-personal factors that influence Western and non-Western children's socio-emotional development and academic success. Her prolific work has been published in dozens of esteemed peer-reviewed journals and presented at over forty prestigious conferences globally. Her outstanding contributions have also garnered several grants and accolades, including support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Moreover, Dr. Bullock's commitment to advancing knowledge is evident in her extensive service to the profession as she has served as a manuscript reviewer for prominent academic journals, participated in conference symposia, and contributed to government research reports on military personnel and their families.