The Importance of Following Submission Guidelines for Publishing Psychology Research Journal Articles

When you’re ready to publish your psychology research, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of sharing your findings with the world. However, before you hit the “submit” button, it’s crucial to ensure that your manuscript adheres to the submission guidelines of your target journal. These guidelines are not arbitrary; they serve important functions in the academic publishing process. Here’s why following them meticulously is essential for the successful publication of your research.

Streamlined Review Process

Submission guidelines are designed to streamline the review process. Journals receive hundreds, if not thousands, of submissions, and following the guidelines ensures that your manuscript can be easily assessed by reviewers. When your manuscript is properly formatted and adheres to the specified guidelines, reviewers can focus on the content of your research rather than getting distracted by formatting inconsistencies. This makes it easier for them to evaluate your work fairly and efficiently.

Professional Presentation

Adhering to submission guidelines also contributes to the professional presentation of your research. Journals typically have specific formatting requirements, such as font type, size, line spacing, and reference style, which create a uniform appearance across all published articles. By following these guidelines, you demonstrate attention to detail and respect for the journal’s standards, which can positively influence the reviewers’ perception of your work.

Avoiding Rejection Due to Technicalities

One of the most frustrating reasons for rejection is failing to adhere to submission guidelines. Many journals have strict policies, and even minor deviations from the guidelines can lead to your manuscript being returned or outright rejected without review. This can delay the publication process and cause unnecessary stress. By carefully following the guidelines, you reduce the risk of rejection due to technicalities.

Enhancing Accessibility and Discoverability

Submission guidelines often include instructions on how to structure your abstract, keywords, and figures to enhance the discoverability of your research. Properly formatted articles are easier for indexing services and databases to categorize, which can increase the visibility of your work. This means that other researchers, practitioners, and policymakers are more likely to find and cite your research, amplifying its impact.

Respecting the Journal’s Mission and Audience

Each journal has its own mission, scope, and target audience. Submission guidelines often reflect these aspects by specifying the types of articles that are appropriate for submission, the preferred research methodologies, and the topics of interest. By adhering to these guidelines, you align your manuscript with the journal’s goals, increasing the likelihood that your work will resonate with the readers and the editorial board.

Ensuring Ethical Compliance

Submission guidelines frequently include sections on ethical considerations, such as the need for informed consent, ethical approval for research involving human subjects, and data transparency. Following these guidelines ensures that your research meets the ethical standards expected by the journal and the wider academic community. This not only protects the integrity of your research but also upholds the trustworthiness of the scientific process.


In the competitive field of academic publishing, following submission guidelines is not just a formality—it’s a crucial step in ensuring that your psychology research is reviewed, accepted, and published efficiently. By paying attention to these guidelines, you demonstrate professionalism, respect for the journal’s standards, and a commitment to ethical research practices. Ultimately, this attention to detail can significantly enhance the impact and reach of your research, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of psychology.

So, before you submit your next manuscript, take the time to carefully review the submission guidelines—your future self (and your research) will thank you.